I have to say, we were a bit bewildered when our children started seeing and hearing demons.
Even more so [bewildered] when we anointed our home, prayed with our children every night, and declared breakthrough with little results. As they sat down for breakfast, I’d ask with a tinge of doubt in my voice,“Did anything talk to you last night?”
It started with our daughter. She frequently met with an old man she called Grandpa. Trust me, I wondered in horror if there was some sort of trauma in her life, but she was homeschooled and rarely with a sitter or family. As time went on, details emerged about this man, about his life, and even how he died! Who was she talking to? Was it a ghost? Did I even believe in ghosts? One morning she ran down the hall in tears, “Mommy! He called me a bad girl, and hit me!”
“Grandpa told me to stop praying to make him go away because a mean beast will put him in jail!"
As we were piecing through the "Grandpa Occurrence", our normally well behaved son started acting up, hiding in his room and not listening right away. Sometimes you just know when what’s happening “isn’t your kid.” So I asked him what was going on and he cried in my arms, “A demon comes in my room every night and tells me nobody loves you.”
He was seeing demons every night, and began describing their features in ways that made my hair stand on end. Like, where on earth would he make this up from? Sometimes the unseen world is not as unseen as we’d like it to be!
I'm happy to say that we weathered this season alongside a gracious community, and peace has come to our household again! A friend wrote me several days ago, asking for prayers for her son who was being disobedient. She felt like it went beyond normal disobedience and the devil was at work. Her go-to tool was deliverance. It triggered me, and I remembered Jake’s disobedience. I remember him telling me what he had been hearing, and then I took him in my arms and reassured him, “NOTHING CAN EVER MAKE ME STOP LOVING YOU." The disobedience stopped. Not only that, but I gave him permission to always bring the devil’s dirty lies into the light. From then on, he would tell me when devils were visiting him and I had enough experience to 1) believe him, 2) empower him, and 3) get rid of the demons for good.
First, let me share some of the lies my kids would hear. I have already uncovered a very common one,
1) “You’re Bad.” The devil loves to whisper this in their tiny, vulnerable ears. An overwhelmed parent will confirm it in a heartbeat. Remember, behavior is bad, but a child never is. Make sure they know this about themselves.
Another common lie is this one,
2) “Nobody loves you.” Jake heard this every night for weeks. Slowly, he began to pull away from us. I fought to get him back, on my knees with God, and in my arms with him. We fixed it, and now when I see either of my kids pulling away I drench them with tangible love. Oh, that every child would recognize this lie!
3) “God’s not real.” That’s kind of a funny one, because if God isn’t real, how are demons real? But a pair of red eyes and dark lips appeared in his room every night to tell him this. It’s a good thing Jake was already well versed in what to do at this point. He came to me, and we invited the presence of God to come and cover us. That was easy.
4) “Leave God, and work for me.” My son heard this! Straight from the lips of a monster he said looked like Jabba the hutt. Gross, I know. I have told my son to not talk with demons, so I’m not sure anything more was said. To counter this, I rolled my eyes.What a cheap shot. I re-told stories of the walls of Jericho coming down, the Red Sea splitting open, Lazarus being raised from the dead, JESUS being raised from the dead, and on and on.
5) "Be afraid." Often times, this is more of a sense than a spoken phrase, but many children are afraid. In fact, I'm an adult, and sometimes things lurking in my house make me feel terrified! My children are rarely scared anymore. Sonora will even proclaim, "Last night I had a bad dream, but I didn't wake you up!" She's welcome to our bedside, and she knows that, but we've taught her what to do with bad dreams: take it up with God.
When it comes to dealing with these real life monsters, it’s true that you can do all the right things, and they still show up. I don’t know why, other than they are liars and they do "illegal" things sometimes. I also think our children can walk in authority on their own, just like God could stomp out every enemy in our path, but instead He hands us the boxing gloves- or, well, the Bible and our will, and says we can take care of it. We tell our kids the truth about good and evil, and equip them to deal with it. Here are some of the ways we have done that in the past:
1) Teach them the truth about who God is. God is very powerful. I love this Bill Johnson quote, “it’s not God versus the devil, or God on one side and the devil on the other. No, God is God, and the devil is a created being.” Enough said.
2) Teach them the truth about who they are. When our kids belong to God, they have the same Spirit living in them as we do. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. The same authority that Jesus walked in, our children have access to.
3) Bring darkness into the light. Tell mommy when you “see.” Even when they see angels, we talk about it. It's not shameful, or weird.
4) Do not talk to the demons. They are liars. Tell your kids this: demons LIE. Even if they look like fluffy angels with porcelain faces, if they say something that contradicts God, they are DEMONS and they are LIARS. Make sure your kids know demons can look like angels.
It’s tricky, because angels and demons are both a little scary. Sometimes demons tell you exactly what you want to hear, and angels tell you weird things, like “Holy Spirit is going to overshadow you and you’ll get pregnant.” But, in my experience, most of the angels that have visited my children don’t say much, they’re just guarding windows and doors and sometimes just floating around their room. We need Holy Spirit to navigate this realm. There are experiences I want my children to discern, but I don’t expect them to do it on their own and just right every time. This is why they tell me, because I want to guide them as God guides me.
5) If your kids see into the spiritual realm, this tip has helped the most. I read it on a website that another parent of a “seer" created. The father wrote that he laid hands on his daughter and asked God to “reduce her spiritual antennae.” He admitted he didn’t know how or why it worked, but when you have kids seeing like my son was, it’s an option worth pursuing. So we did. I prayed that God would dial down his gift for a little while, and it helped immensely. In the meantime, I am equipping him to know and understand truth so when we ask God to re-apply the gift, he’ll be ready. For now, no more slime, or long black fingernails, or shark teeth covered legs and arms, or red glowing eyes, or sharp facial hair. I’m so glad!
Seeing is not a special gift limited to my children. Many children can see into the spiritual realm. It's that childlike faith at work, faith believes in what is unseen. I can remember when Jake had a dream "a man was walking down our street with a blanket that smelled like poop." Weird, I know. I mentioned it to several mom friends, and two others reported their kids had come to them and said the same thing! Kids know what's up in the spiritual realm!
In summation, the enemy is going to lie to your children. If they know the truth, it’ll bounce off their ears like a ping pong ball! Hopefully I’ve enlightened you to some of the lies the enemy likes to use. Now, go and do greater things than Jesus! I didn’t say it first, He did!
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